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HWg Monitor: Local Network Usage

HWg Monitor is a mobile application for iOS and Android that works both locally and with SensDesk Technology Portals, displaying current sensor values, DI (Digital Inputs) and DO (Relay Outputs) status. In this article we want to show you how to use HWg Monitor in a local network scenario.

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HWg-NR2: Node-RED & STE2 + NB WLD Integration Example ( Portal)

The HWg STE2 family consists of remote environmental monitoring devices equipped with LAN and WiFi interfaces. Users can connect a varying number of external sensors or detectors, and the device can be added to the Sensdesk technology-based portal. On the other hand, the NB devices come with a prepaid SIM card and can be monitored only through a portal. This Node-RED platform example reads sensor values from the portal (with a STE2 and NB-WLD devices connected to the portal) and displays the values or graphs on a web page or connected display.

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HWg-NR1: Node-RED & STE2 R2 Integration Example (LAN)

The HWg STE2 family consists of remote environmental monitoring devices equipped with LAN and WiFi interfaces. Users can connect a varying number of external sensors or detectors. This Node-RED platform example reads sensor values from one or multiple STE2 devices and displays the values or graphs on a web page or connected display.

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Templates – Make your alarm messages easily understood

Alarm messages in HW group devices carry their legacy. They responded to the needs of early users of HW devices, who were mostly IT experts with their specific point of view. Historically, the SensDesk portal followed the same philosophy.  However, nowadays users need the option to create messages that are user-friendly and clearly point to the problem at the first glance. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain backward compatibility. To address this, alarm messages sent by the SensDesk portal can now be customized with Templates.


The following are examples of using the tokens in various types of alarm messages. If you need another variable or are facing problems composing a message you need, please support [at] hwg [dot] cz (subject: Templates) (contact us)

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Working with My Graph

In addition to basic functions, such as providing a concise overview of the states and current readings of detectors and sensors, the SensDesk portal can plot the history of the measured values in graphs. Graphs in SensDesk can be also used for additional analyses. 

The My Graph function allows to create graphs with sensors of different quantities connected to different devices. For example, it is possible to plot a chart of all temperature sensors connected to your Poseidon2 4002, and leave out any other sensors or devices. 

This function is beneficial in the long-term in cost optimization. For example, let us consider several server rooms. In one of the rooms, A/C fails or the door remains open. In a graph, it is possible to see the effects of this incident on the temperature, and thus on the operational costs of maintaining proper conditions.


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Working with graphs in SensDesk

The SensDesk portal collects and visualizes measurements from HW group devices, such as Poseidon2, Damocles2, HWg-PWR, Ares (including LTE versions), SD-devices or NB-devices. In addition to basic functions, such as providing a concise overview of the states and current readings of detectors and sensors, graphs showing the history of the readings are also available. Graphs in SensDesk can be also used for additional analyses.

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