
Environment, building equipment, industrial sites and ITsystems, as well as utilities, need to monitor their environment and operational conditions reliably and efficiently. An overview of selected variables such as temperature, pressure, dew point, lighting level, air quality, machine operation or vibration, provide a comprehensive picture of the state of the equipment and enable the operator to respond appropriately.

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Datacenter environment monitoring and access control systems


Base Transceiver Station (BTS) monitoring


How to connect HWg WLD to a HWg-SMS-GW3 gateway

In addition to sending a SMS alert, the HWg SMS gateway can alert the recipient by dialing a call to the same number and letting it ring for a short time. This is a description how to connect HWg-WLD to the HWg-SMS-GW3. HWg-WLD detects water leaks or water floods along the entire length of the sensing cable. By placing the cable near possible flood sources, the whole area can be effectively monitored.

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Flood and fire detection in hotels or hostels


How to send SMS via HWg-SMS-GW3

HWg-SMS-GW3 is a SMS gateway for sending text message alarms over a LAN. HWg-SMS-GW3 is primarily intended for use with HW group products and software. However, its communication interfaces are sufficiently documented for use with third-party systems. This Application Note shows how to use HWg-SMS-GW3 in such third-party systems.

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